AX is the primary reserve currency for Athlete Performance Tokens.
Stake your AX to earn rewards and provide liquidity to earn commission on trades. AX can be purchased with any cryptocurrency on AthleteX.
AX token contract address (Polygon/Matic network):
How to Buy AX
1 ) Setup Metamask Wallet
Setup a Metamask wallet account. Make sure to add the Polygon (Matic) Mainnet network before proceeding to the next steps.
2 ) Purchase Cryptocurrency Funds
Purchase ETH or USDC from a centralized exchange, we recommend using Coinbase. Once purchased, send the funds to your Metamask wallet (Etherium Mainnet).
3 ) Bridge Funds to Matic Network
Bridge the cryptocurrency funds that you purchased in Step 2 to the Polygon (Matic) Mainnet network. We recommend using the Polygon Bridge. *Note: ETH funds will convert into WETH.
4 ) Buy AX
Swap your WETH or USDC for AX on Sushiswap (Make sure you are connected to the Polygon (Matic) network). After this, import AX token contract address to your Metamask wallet.
How to Stake AX
1 ) Buy AX and WETH
Follow the process above to buy AX, except this time bridge over enough funds to purchase an equal amount of WETH as well (on Polygon/Matic network).
3 ) Deposit SLP Tokens
Deposit your SLP tokens into the AX Pool on GYSR. Once you do this, you will begin earning AX and GYSR rewards. Remember, the longer you stake the more you earn. You can remove your SLP tokens and unlock your liquidity on Sushiswap at any time.
2 ) Deposit Liquidity
Deposit equal amounts of AX and WETH into the AX - WETH liquidity pool on Sushiswap (Polygon/Matic network). You will receive SLP tokens after doing this. Make sure to import the SLP token contract address into your Metamask wallet.
Token Addresses
AX (Polygon): 0x5617604ba0a30e0ff1d2163ab94e50d8b6d0b0df
AX (SX Network): 0xd9Fd6e207a2196e1C3FEd919fCFE91482f705909